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Aké je poradie vydávania albumov?


* Eagles (1972)

* Desperado (1973)

* Na hranici (1974)

* Jedna z týchto nocí (1975)

* Hotel California (1976)

* The Long Run (1979)

The Beatles

* Please Please Me (1963)

* S Beatles (1963)

* Ťažký deň (1964)

* Beatles na predaj (1964)

* Pomoc! (1965)

* Rubber Soul (1965)

* Revolver (1966)

* Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

* The Beatles (biely album) (1968)

* Žltá ponorka (1969)

* Abbey Road (1969)

* Nechajte to byť (1970)

Pink Floyd

* The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)

* A Saucerful of Secrets (1968)

* Ummagumma (1969)

* Meddle (1971)

* Temná strana Mesiaca (1973)

* Wish You Were Here (1975)

* Zvieratá (1977)

* The Wall (1979)

Led Zeppelin

* Led Zeppelin (1969)

* Led Zeppelin II (1969)

* Led Zeppelin III (1970)

* Led Zeppelin IV (1971)

* Domy svätých (1973)

* Fyzické graffiti (1975)

* Prítomnosť (1976)

* In Through the Out Door (1979)

Kapely umelci

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