- "The Art of Hawaiian Lap Steel Guitar" od Jerryho Byrda a Dicka Schruma
- "Lap Steel Guitar:A Visual History" od Terryho Burrowsa
- "Havaiian Lap Steel Guitar" od Johna Kinga
- "The Lap Steel Guitar Book" od Blainea Sprousea
- „Play Lap Steel Guitar“ od Buddyho Emmonsa
Webové stránky:
- [SteelGuitarForum.com] (http://www.steelguitarforum.com/)
- [The Lap Steel Guitar School](http://www.lapsteelguitarschool.com/)
- [The National Reso-Phonic Guitar Forum] (http://www.reso-nation.org/)
– [Steel Guitar Association of Nashville](http://www.steelguitarassociationofnashville.com/)
- [The Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association](http://www.hawaiiansteelguitarassociation.com/)
Videá :
- "Jerry Byrd:Kráľ havajskej lapovej oceľovej gitary" (DVD)
- "Dick Schrum:The Art of Hawaiian Lap Steel Guitar" (DVD)
- "Bud Emmons:The Master of Modern Lap Steel Guitar" (DVD)
- "Sonny Garrish:The Steel Guitar Legend" (DVD)
- "Robert Randolph &the Family Band:Live in Concert" (DVD)
Miestne obchody s gitarami alebo hudobné školy :Mnohé obchody a školy ponúkajú lekcie alebo workshopy na lap steel gitare.