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V akých filmových a televíznych projektoch bola Kate Tinkler?


* The Clinic (2010)

* The Reef (2010)

* Skladby (2013)

* The Water Diviner (2014)

* The Dressmaker (2015)

* Holding the Man (2015)

* Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

* dych (2017)

* Barany (2020)


* Rush (2008)

* Spálené (2010)

* Underbelly Files:The Man Who Got Away (2011)

* Puberty Blues (2012 – 2014)

* Diablovo ihrisko (2014)

* Love Child (2014 – 2017)

* The Kettering Incident (2016)

* The Wrong Girl (2016)

* Modrá vražda:Killer Cop (2017)

* Koniec (2018)

* Bad Mothers (2019)

* The Commons (2019)

*Bez štátnej príslušnosti (2020)

filmové festivaly

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