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V akých filmových a televíznych projektoch bol Jeffrey Langelli?


* 10. obeť (1965)

* Modesty Blaise (1966)

* The Sandwich Man (1966)

* Trojitý kríž (1966)

* Tajná vojna Harryho Frigga (1968)

* Where Eagles Dare (1968)

* Play Dirty (1969)

* Anna z tisícich dní (1969)

* The Magic Christian (1969)

* Julius Caesar (1970)

* Súkromný život Sherlocka Holmesa (1970)

* The Last Valley (1971)

* The Assassination of Trotsky (1972)

* The Valachi Papers (1972)

* Deň šakala (1973)

* Traja mušketieri (1973)

* Štyria mušketieri (1974)

* Marseillská zmluva (1974)

* The Master Gunfighter (1975)

* Mandingo (1975)

* The Passover Plot (1976)

* Voyage of the Damned (1976)

* Posledný remake Beau Geste (1977)

* Telefón (1977)

* Chlapci z Brazílie (1978)

* Fedora (1978)

* The Concorde ... Letisko '79 (1979)

* Ashanti (1979)

* Kuba (1979)

* The Salamander (1981)

* Bunker (1981)

* Eye of the Needle (1981)

* Firefox (1982)

* Gándhí (1982)

* Žltá brada (1983)

* To Kill a Priest (1988)

* Leviathan (1989)

* Kráľova kurva (1990)

* Diplomatická imunita (1991)

* Piaty roh (1992)

* Láska a vojna (1993)

* The Assassin (1993)

* Nostradamus (1994)

* Camilla (1994)

* The Prophecy (1995)

* Lord of Illusions (1995)

* Kaskadér (1998)

* The Prophecy II (1998)

* The Prophecy 3:The Ascent (2000)

* Kráľ Scorpion (2002)

* Súčet všetkých obáv (2002)

* The Pianist (2002)

* Evanjelium podľa Jána (2003)

* Kráľ Artuš (2004)

* Kupec z Benátok (2004)

* Letopisy Narnie:Lev, čarodejnica a šatník (2005)

* Da Vinciho kód (2006)

* Príbeh narodenia (2006)

* Zlatý kompas (2007)

* Múmia:Hrob dračieho cisára (2008)

* Letopisy Narnie:Princ Kaspian (2008)

* The Edge of Love (2008)

* G.I. Joe:The Rise of Cobra (2009)

* Sherlock Holmes (2009)

* Narodenie! (2009)

* Alica v krajine zázrakov (2010)

* Robin Hood (2010)

* Prince of Persia:The Sands of Time (2010)

* The Eagle (2011)

* Piráti z Karibiku:On Stranger Tides (2011)

* The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

* The Sweeney (2012)

* Snehulienka a lovec (2012)

* The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

* Veľký Gatsby (2013)

* Thor:Temný svet (2013)

* Captain America:Zimný vojak (2014)

* Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

* Exodus:Bohovia a králi (2014)

* Teória všetkého (2014)

* Mission:Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)

* Marťan (2015)

* SPECTRE (2015)

* The Revenant (2015)

* Batman vs Superman:Úsvit spravodlivosti (2016)

* The Conjuring 2 (2016)

* Kniha džunglí (2016)

* Jason Bourne (2016)

* Doctor Strange (2016)

* Rogue One:A Star Wars Story (2016)

* Kráska a zviera (2017)

* Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

* The Circle (2017)

* Múmia (2017)

* Wonder Woman (2017)

* Thor:Ragnarok (2017)

* Justice League (2017)

* The Greatest Showman (2017)

* Black Panther (2018)

* Avengers:Infinity War (2018)

* Solo:A Star Wars Story (2018)

* Jurský svet:Fallen Kingdom (2018)

* Mission:Impossible – Fallout (2018)

* Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)

* The Curse of La Llorona (2019)

* Godzilla:King of the Monsters (2019)

* Muži v čiernom:Medzinárodné (2019)

* Aladdin (2019)

* Leví kráľ (2019)

* Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

* Terminátor:Temný osud (2019)

* Star Wars:The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

* The Gentlemen (2020)

* Dolittle (2020)

* Volanie divočiny (2020)

* Mulan (2020)

* Tenet (2020)

* Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

* Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

* The Conjuring:The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)

* Čierna vdova (2021)

* Shang-Chi a legenda o desiatich prsteňoch (2021)

* Eternals (2021)

* Spider-Man:No Way Home (2021)

* The Batman (2022)

* Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

* Thor:Love and Thunder (2022)

* Black Panther:Wakanda Forever (2022)

* Avatar:The Way of Water (2022)

* The Flash (2023)

* Mission:Impossible – Dead Reckoning, časť jedna (2023)

* Oppenheimer (2023)


* The Champions (1968-1969)

* Oddelenie S (1969-1970)

* The Man in Room 17 (1969-1970)

* The Avengers (1970-1971)

* The Persuaders! (1971)

* Doomwatch (1972)

* The Protectors (1972-1973)

* The New Avengers (1976-1977)

* Profesionáli (1978-1983)

* Borgiovci (1981)

* Hriechy (1986)

* The Charmer (1987)

* Tajný život Iana Fleminga (1990)

* The House of Eliott (1991-1994)

* The Last Roman (2007)

* Tudorovci (2007-2010)

* Vrátiť úder (2010 – 2020)

* Borgia (2011-2014)

* Rím (2005-2007)

* Borgiovci (2011-2013)

* Versailles (2015 – 2018)

* The Crown (2016 – 2017)

* The Last Czars (2019)

* The Witcher (2019 – súčasnosť)

* Had (2021)

* Koleso času (2021)

* The Irregulars (2021)

film Production

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