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V akých filmových a televíznych projektoch bol Gooey Law?


- The Monkey King 2 (2016)

- Line Walker (2016)

- The White Storm 2:Drug Lords (2019)

- Šoková vlna 2 (2020)

- Raging Fire (2021)

- Fist &Furious (2020) - portrét

- G Storm (2021)

Televízny seriál:

- The Greatness of a Hero (2008)

- Burning Flame III (2009)

- In the Eye of the Typhoon (2009)

- Neľutujem (2010)

- Záhady lásky (2010)

- The Other Truth (2011)

- Rukavice stiahnuté (2011)

- The Life and Times of a Sentinel (2011)

- The Witness (2012)

- Line Walker (2014)

- Tiger Cubs III (2014)

- The Four (2015)

- Line Walker:The Prelude (2017)

- Line Walker:Bull Fight (2017)

- The Defected (2019)

- Barrack O'Karma (2022)

film Production

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